Welcome to Brave New Voice!


This is a platform for health; ultimately vocal health, but as singers and public speakers we are keenly aware that our bodies ARE our instruments. That’s why we’ll also be discussing physical and mental health as they pertain to the voice.

I’m a working singer and actor currently in Los Angeles that lives the daily blend of running her own business and being a creative artist with big dreams. I base my opinions on the education I’ve worked hard to receive, and my own experience in the field.

I’m not someone who believes in hard truths, especially when it comes to technique, but I do believe that singing should always feel comfortable, healthy and natural.

I also happen to think it should be filled with JOY. Yup, this is a business, no doubt about it. But if you’re not 100% in love with the creative process that is singing, you’re going to burn out fast and hard.

Start with JOY and LOVE will be a reflex.

I hope you’ll join me here for vocal health tips, physical and mental health tips that will aim to give your voice and your creative process FREEDOM.

See you soon.

Yours in health,


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