Aubrey is a badass Latina actress with a sweet exterior. She’s as comfortable throwing punch as she is singing in all styles. A lover of sci-fi, trained martial artist/theater combatant, and classically trained opera singer.

Grounded, Engaging, Intuitive – She is calm, confident and takes control in intense situaitons. Think Rosario Dawson in “Ahsoka”.

Fun-loving, quirky, All-American – She’s a driven career woman, always there with a witty joke, successful and big-hearted when it matters most. Think Gina Rodrigues in “Jane the Virgin”

Commanding, Passionate, Hard-working – She has earned her way to the top of the agency, always in control and well-respected, there is a tenderness to her that few are lucky enough to know. Think Gina Torres in “Suits” or Jessica Chastain “Zero Dark Thrity”